Parents often ask if karting is safe. We think the main reason they ask this is that they think of their own experience driving on our roads. But is this a fair comparison? Yes, they will be driving a vehicle, but unlike the real roads there are numerous checks and measures that are strictly enforced and safety precautions are standard. So lets sum up:
- Your children will be in a strictly controlled environment
- They will be fully briefed and instructed before they get into a kart
- They will be wearing a race suit and a full face crash helmet
- They will be in a very small and manageable group
- Everyone will be travelling in the same direction
- Their speed will almost certainly be limited to about 20mph
- They will be surrounded by deformable safety barriers
- There will definitely be a first-aider on site
- Each kart will have been checked on a daily basis with paperwork to back this up
Are you still worried about how safe go-karting is?